Singing Guide: Kate Hudson

Singing Guide: Kate Hudson

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Singing like Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson, the daughter of Goldie Hawn, is noted for her exceptional acting skills, but she also has an impressive singing voice. She has showcased her talent in several movies such as "Nine" and "Music and Lyrics." To learn to sing like Kate Hudson, you must understand the intricacies of her style and incorporate some practical tactics and resources. This article will cover Kate Hudson's signature vocal characteristics, recommended songs, relevant Singing Carrots resources, and tips on enhancing your vocal performance.

Learning Kate Hudson's Vocal Characteristics

Kate Hudson sings in a breathy and sultry style with an emphasis on delivering crisp, clear notes. Her vocal style is much like a whisper so that melodies are smoothed together, enhancing the emotional impact of the music. To learn singing in Kate Hudson's style, it is crucial to develop excellent breath control and singing technique. Focus on maintaining a soft voice while keeping your tone consistent, clear, and controlled. Kate Hudson is also known for her range, which spans from a low Alto to a high Soprano, making her vocal range extensive.

Songs to Practice

To channel your inner Kate Hudson, you must practice singing songs that highlight her style as an artist. Here are some songs to help you emulate Kate Hudson's signature vocal characteristics:

  • "Cinema Italiano" from "Nine"
  • "L.O.V.E" from "Music and Lyrics"
  • "All The Way" from "Music and Lyrics"

How to Enhance Your Singing Skills

Incorporating some specific tactics and resources can improve your singing voice to sound like Kate Hudson's. Here are some Singing Carrots resources you can use:

  1. Vocal Range Test: Take the vocal range test to determine your vocal range and compare it with famous singers.
  2. Pitch Training: Improve your pitch accuracy, range, agility, and warm-up by using Singing Carrots' pitch training game.​
  3. Search for Songs: Search songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.
  4. Kate Hudson's Artist Profile: Learn more about Kate Hudson's vocal range and explore similar artists to develop your singing style.​

Practical Advice

To develop a singing style similar to Kate Hudson, you need to consider the following tips and tactics:

  1. Control your breath and be mindful of continuous breath support while singing.
  2. Open your throat and mouth, let the air flow through your vocal cords, and maintain a low larynx.
  3. Practice singing exercises that focus on a smooth voice and prolonged notes, similar to Kate Hudson's sustained melodic structure.​


To sum up, Kate Hudson's vocal style is breathy, sultry, and smooth, emphasizing crisp and clear notes. Practice consistency in your soft voice to enhance the emotional impact of your music. With the help of the Singing Carrots resources such as pitch training, song search, and vocal range test, and following practical advice, you can learn to sing like her. Incorporate these tactics, practice the recommended songs, and keep practicing continuously to develop your unique style using Kate Hudson's vocals as an inspiration.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.